CD Esprit de Apple Corps

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le contenu des 2 CD "Esprit de Apple Corps", passés en freeware en 2008, sous la forme de deux fichiers zip à télécharger.

Esprit de Apple Corps ReadMe :

Hello, and welcome to disc one of "Esprit de Apple Corps"! EDAC is a collection of multimedia files specifically for the Apple II.

On this disc, you'll find the first 4,000 of the collection's MOD song files - as many as could fit on one disc - with the utilities necessary to play them. The songs are sorted alphabetically, 100 files per folder. To play these files on a Mac, change the filetype to "STrk". You will need to copy the files off the CD-ROM and onto a writable volume to do so.

On disc two, you'll find the rest of the MODs, as well as games, fonts, graphics, animations, and other sound and music files and programs.

This collection was originally compiled by Russell Nielson and made available as 24 Iomega Zip disks, which sold for $15/disk. I never had a Zip drive, nor the $360 to spend on the complete collection, but I did have the interest in acquiring the compilation. When I contacted him in late 2000 to see if there was any interest in making the collection available on CD, I was met with much enthusiasm on Rusell's part - but without a Macintosh, he had no way of accessing the Zip's ProDOS volumes on a CD burner-capable computer.

Fortunately, his enthusiasm proved to be contagious. A few months later and in time for KansasFest 2001, here we are. We've removed some extraneous files and some low-quality, x-rated images, but the final count is over 26,000 multimedia files that bring out the "GS" in your IIgs!

This CD collection is made available through Gamebits, an electronic entertainment publication service and Syndicomm community managed by Ken Gagne. For pricing and availability inquiries, email

The original Zip disk compilation is still available from Russell Nielson.

Thanks to all the members of the Apple II community on Syndicomm for their technical support in preparing this CD-ROM set.


Cliquer sur les images pour télécharger les CD

Liste des fichiers du CD 1

Téléchargement CD 1

Liste des fichiers du CD 2

Téléchargement CD 2